October 23, 2024

Authorities in Greater Pibor Administrative Area return abducted children.

Authorities in Greater Pibor Administrative Area say they have handed over 27 abducted children on Thursday to authorities in different parts of the country where the children were previously residing. Speaking to Juba Echo on phone, the Director General in the ministry of Information in Pibor Administrative area, Yasir Babakir said they handed over the […]

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Peace monitor says lack of funds delaying graduation of unified forces

The much-awaited graduation of unified forces to take charge of security during the ongoing transitional period continues to delay due to financial constraints, according to peace monitors. Charles Tai Gituai, head of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) revealed on Wednesday that lack of sufficient funding is delaying the graduation of the necessary […]

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