October 23, 2024
Peace in South Sudan still fragile-UN chief

Peace in South Sudan still fragile-UN chief

The outgoing Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General and head of UNMISS, David Shearer says the peace process in South Sudan remains fragile and there is much still to be done including picking up pace on constitution-making, transitional justice and economic reform.

Speaking during a press conference on Tuesday in Juba, David Shearer urged the people and leaders of South Sudan to remain united and energized to push the peace process forward.

“As my four years of service comes to an end, I am proud of the progress that has been made, including the ceasefire, peace deal, and formation of transitional government and the installation of local leaders in the states” Said David Shearer.

Shearer also paid tribute to the UN agencies which have stood by South Sudanese people for years and the almost 20,000 UN peacekeepers whom he says are helping reduce violence and bringing diverse communities together to reconcile.

He called for an end to brutal inter-communal fighting and cattle-related insecurities, which has claimed so many lives in the country.

“I hope that there will be an end to the sporadic and brutal violence that we continue to witness in parts of the country, especially in Jonglei and Warrap states so that communities across the country have the opportunity to recover and rebuild their livelihoods” Shearer said.

“I am also pleased and encouraged seeing that most people who once fled in fear to UN Protection of Civilians Sites have either returned home or are living in newly transitioned displacement camps under the responsibility of South Sudanese government” Added Shearer.

He said UNMISS will continue to support South Sudan.

 “UNMISS is a stabilizing force that extends well beyond our physical presence. Our independent surveys have consistently shown that we are welcomed by nearly 80 percent of South Sudanese people.” he said. “We are fully committed to securing durable peace by working closely with all political parties alongside regional and international partners.”

Shearer further said once durable peace returns to South Sudan, the UN peacekeepers will be withdrawn.

“As I said when I came to South Sudan, our success will be measured by the downsizing of our presence. That has started. Over the coming year, there will be a reduction of our military and police peacekeepers by around seven percent.” Said Shearer.

He urged the parties to South Sudan’s 2018 peace agreement to make courageous decisions to unify the armed forces and move the peace process forward.

The press conference held by David Shearer on Tuesday is his last as the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General and head of UNMISS, Shear is leaving South Sudan after four years and is expected to be appointed in a new role in another country by the UN Secretary General.

1 Comment

  • Vuciri Joseph April 11, 2021

    South sudan leaders need sanctions,frezees of acounts and properties including the intervintion of icc otherwise they look Unmiss to social and slow much in actions.

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