October 24, 2024

Water shortage hits Bentiu IDP settlement in Unity State

By Chondok Stephen Magei Shortage of clean drinking water has hit Bentiu IDP camp where 149,340 people escaping floods are residing. According to a leader at the IDP camp, Kuer Duol Monyluak, people have had to resort to using the flood waters for drinking and cooking. “Our situation now is worse because it has made […]

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Prison break in Unity State leaves 2 police officers dead

By Ruot George Two police officers were shot dead when army men from the Sudan People’s Liberation Force, led by a top official broke into a prison in Leer County of Unity State. The incident happened on Friday morning when SSPDF Col. Gatkuoth Jocknyang took matters into his hands, in defiance of the law and […]

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Morocco provides new scholarships for South Sudanese students

By Ruot George Morocco has provided a new scholarship for South Sudanese students. The north African country will provide a fully paid learning program for at least 46 undergraduate students, a statement from its embassy in Nairobi said. All the students taken up for the program will take French language courses from South Sudan before […]

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Inadequate funding, insecurity affect COVID-19 vaccine drive in South Sudan

By Simon Deng Low funding, misinformation and insecurity are setting back the COVID-19 vaccine drive in South Sudan, Sacha Bootsma, the World Health Organization’s Covid-19 Incident Manager, said. A contrasting figure however is that the country has vaccinated 85.1 percent of its health care workers, a figure much higher than in other African countries, Bootsma […]

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Magwi County demands protection as nomads leave trails of killings

By Simon Deng Authorities in Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria are demanding protection the State and Central governments after trails of killings and vandalism by cattle keepers. The cattle keepers from Jonglei first flocked the area as a result of insecurity in their areas. Continued insecurity as a result of raids and floods set in […]

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FAO and partners plan honey export hub in South Sudan

By Simon Deng The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is linking up with partners in a bid to harness South Sudan’s honey and make it lucrative on the international market. South Sudan is home to a huge production of honey but without value addition, a breakthrough on sales in the world market remains […]

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UAE investors seek potentials in South Sudan’s mineral resources

By Simon Deng Investors from the United Arab Emirates are expected in South Sudan to discuss areas of potential investments, Information Minster Michael Makuei Lueth said. President Salva Kiir visited the Arab country recently and discussed areas of potential investments, especially in the mineral resources. “The team of business and government will be coming to […]

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Cut off by floods, human, livestock health remain dire in Unity state

By Chondok Stephen Magei Despite a respite in the floods in the country, communities living around the oil fields in Unity State continue to suffer from ill health including diarrhoea as a result of drinking contaminated water. And their livestock too are facing the same fate. In Jaak Payam near Tharjiath oilfield in Koch County, […]

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Humbled by wars, South Sudan says won’t interfere in external conflicts

By Okech Francis South Sudan, seeking ways to end six years of crisis says it won’t interfere in conflicts around the globe. The country is currently implementing a peace agreement in search of ending a crisis which began in 2013 and had a devastating effect on the country. About 400, 000 people were killed, four […]

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Pope Francis to visit South Sudan in July

By Simon Deng and Tapeng Michael Ohure The head on the catholic church, Pope Francis will visit South Sudan in July this year, the government and the church in Juba announced. The visit is set for July 5 to 7, after a similar visit to neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, Monsignor Ionut Paul, the Acting […]

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