October 23, 2024
CTSAMVM to expose peace violators for action

CTSAMVM to expose peace violators for action

By John Agok

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) in South Sudan has revealed that it will report peace violators to the guarantors for action in the next report.

Maj. Gen. Dafaalla Mohammed, the Acting Chair told its Board members that the full reports on ceasefire violators to IGAD, R.JMEC among others stakeholders would target recent five violation reports across the country.

“This meeting focuses mainly on five violations reports that were sent to all Board members electronically. These are violence related incidences in Moroto area, denial of access of CTSAMVM in Warrap State, Eastern Equatoria State, the incidents in the Nassir area Unity State, detention of civilians in Mongoyo , Central Equatoria and the Armed clashes in the Ombasi  Area,” he explained.

He was speaking during the opening session of its 22nd Board meeting conducted on May 31 in Juba, after the team went mute for about four months due to coronavirus recent partial lockdown.

Gen. Dafaalla disclosed that the security mechanism would make appropriate recommendations to the R-JMEC and IGAD that facilitate the implementation of the 2018 peace deal.

He also revealed that, CTSAMVM will participate as an observer at the round of talks between South Sudan Oppositions Movement Alliance or SSOMA and R-TGoNU in the next phases.

This was reached following the Declaration of Principles that included acceptance of the holdout group to join CTSAMVM.

The security Chief highlighted that there were recent five violations in the country and demanded proper investigation on the incidents.

He also noted other violations of ceasefire alleged between South Sudan People’s Defesne Forces (SSPDF) and National Salvation (NAS) in recent reports.

“We shall report about the recent and ongoing incidents under investigations which includes clashes between SSPDF and alleged NAS forces in Central Equatoria state.

“Alleged looting by SSPDF in the Ombasi area, violence in the Liang area and alleged recruitment in Mayom county of Unity state among others,” the security Chief said.

Gen. Dafaalla appreciated SSOMA for accepting to join CTSAMVM in their ongoing peace talks since Declaration of Principles meetings in Naivasha –Kenya, under the initiative from the Community of Sant’Egidio, Rome Italy.

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