October 23, 2024

Makuei denies government shut down internet

By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon, Juba  The South Sudan’s Information minister has denied the allegation that the government shut down the internet due to the alleged protest on August 30, meant to overthrow the government.  Though heavy military deployments have been across parts of Juba City, Michael Makuei Lueth, Information Minister who also doubles as the […]

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Street protest to be crushed, warns South Sudan police chief

Police officers delay to counter anti-government protest in Juba [Photo by Solomon] By Denis Elamu The Inspector General of Police (IGP) has dared protestors to take the streets today, vowing to violently crush them. A group calling itself the People’s Coalition for Civil Action(PCCA) put the transitional unity government on notice, saying it will lead protests on August 30th over what it […]

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South Sudan lawmakers to mediate in opposition dispute

Puok Both Baluang, Press Secretary in the Office of First Vice President Riek Machar By Simon Deng Lawmakers from the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-in opposition (SPLM-IO) are set to meet with the breakaway faction of the party led by Lt. Gen Simon Gatwech Dual in a bid to resolve the dispute that caused split within […]

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Ceasefire monitor decries occupation of civilian premises in South Sudan

By Simon Deng The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM), the multinational body that monitors compliance with the peace agreement has decried continuous illegal occupancy of civilians houses in several parts of South Sudan. Maj. Gen Teshome Gemechu Aderie, the Chairperson of the Mechanism told the media briefing in Juba on Friday […]

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National security officers close radio in South Sudan’s Jonglei

By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon National security officers in South Sudan’s Jonglei State have closed down Radio Jonglei 95.9 FM, claiming it was doing so to prevent airing of a planned protest in the country. Three journalists working at the radio were also briefly held before being released. The protest in question has been planned by […]

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Lawmaker warns against planned protest to oust South Sudanese leaders

http://news.jubaechotv.com.ss/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SALVA-ON-COALITION.mp4 By Okech Francis A group, the People’s Coalition for Civil Action has said it plans to stage a protest on August 30 with the aim of forcing the leadership in the country out of office. The protest would seek to denounce President Salva Kiir and his First Vice President Riek Machar and demand they […]

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Holdout rebel group blamed over ambushes on South Sudan highway

Denis Ejulu The renewed spate of killings along the busy Juba-Nimule road that have sent shock waves and fear in the capital are a handiwork of National Salvation Front (NAS) which is among a plethora of groups that refused to sign the 2018 revitalized peace deal. Prior to the latest incident on Sunday that left […]

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Lawmaker warns of humanitarian catastrophe in South Sudan’s Western Equatoria

By Simon Deng The security situation in Tambura County of Western Equatoria State is continuing to deteriorate leaving thousands of people displaced, said Anthony Lino Makana, the former speaker of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly. “What is happening is quite appalling to say the least, lives have been lost, thousands of people displaced and properties […]

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South Sudan army prepares to graduate first batch for security arrangement

By Simon Deng The assessment mission in Greater Bahr El Ghazel region undertaken by the Joint Transitional Security Committee (JTSC) to pave way for the graduation of the first batch of the unified forces is complete. Maj.Gen Lul Ruai Koang, Spokesman for South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) confirmed to The Juba Echo that JTSC […]

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South Sudan warned it won’t tolerate planned protest

By Richard Sultan Police in South Sudan has warned it will not tolerate a planned protest by a group of South Sudanese, saying the group is illegal and made the request “in a very dangerous manner.” The People’s Coalition for Civil Action (PCCA) scheduled the protest for Monday the 30th August. Earlier this month, the […]

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