October 24, 2024

Flooding in South Sudan leaves UN worried over humanitarian situation

By Tapeng Michael Ohure The UN Special Representative of the Secretary General Nicholas Haysom has expressed concern over the dire humanitarian situation in parts of South Sudan’s Unity State due to flooding. Haysom visited the State capital Bentiu on Tuesday yesterday to assess the flood situation in the region. Addressing journalists in in Juba on Wednesday, Haysom […]

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UNICEF appeals for $183.6 million to support children in South Sudan

By Staff Writer United Nations International Children’s Emergency Funds (UNICEF) says it’s seeking USD 183.6 million for its 2022 Humanitarian Action for Children in South Sudan. UNICEF says 4.1 million children in South Sudan are in need of emergency assistance. The country is facing multiple humanitarian crises and this year a total of 8.3 million […]

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South Sudan: US announces four-year resilience project through agriculture

By Ruot George The US agency for international development – USAID signed a four year deal with Development Alternatives Incorporated – DAI, an internal development company to help increase resilience through agriculture in 13 counties in South Sudan. These 13 counties are among the poorest, most isolated, and least assisted places in South Sudan, the […]

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China launches second phase of education project in South Sudan

By Tapeng Michael Ohure The Chinese Embassy in South Sudan has launched a second phase of a China-aided technical cooperation project of education. The cooperation launched on Monday includes taking teachers from South Sudan to China for training. In the first phase 54 teachers were trained including 14 members of parliament who are in the education […]

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China Embassy launches second phase of education project in South Sudan

By Tapeng Michael Ohure The Chinese Embassy in South Sudan has on Monday launched a second phase of a China-aided technical cooperation project of education. The cooperation includes taking teachers from South Sudan to China for training. In the first phase 54 teachers were trained including 14 members of parliament who are in the education committee.  […]

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EU engages in agriculture in South Sudan to offset oil dependency

By Simon Deng The European Union is engaging communities in South Sudan in the agriculture sector to ensure addition income for the country which solely depends on oil revenue. South Sudan must shift from dependency on oil to agriculture which is more productive and sustainable, Christian Bader, the ambassador of the European Union to the […]

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South Sudan: advocacy group demands access to justice for inmates

By Okech Francis All people in prison have a right to dignity and access to justice, Jackline Nasiwa, the Executive Director of Center for Inclusive Governance Peace and Justice, said. “There are certain rights that the imprisoned have such as a court hearing within a certain amount of time and the assignment of a lawyer […]

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UJOSS roots for professionalism

By Michael Tapeng Some 30 journalists have been trained on human rights and ethical reporting skills. The two-day training by the Union of Journalists of South Sudan was sponsored by UNMISS Human Rights Division.  Speaking during the opening of the workshop at Quality Hotel in Juba on Monday, UJOSS President Patrick Oyet Charles said the […]

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Keynote Speech by Chinese President At the Conference of The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

“Uphold the Tradition of Always Standing Together And Jointly Build a China-Africa Community With a Shared Future in the New Era” Your Excellency President Macky Sall, Distinguished Colleagues, Dear Guests and Friends, It is such a pleasure to attend the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Let […]

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Unite for Action to Protect the Planet, Our Shared Home

Written Statement by Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China At the World Leaders Summit at the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. November 1, 2021 Honorable Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Colleagues, It gives me great pleasure to attend the World […]

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