October 23, 2024
Features News

Why the Regional bodies may earn ‘blames’ if Sudanese anti-military crisis doesn’t find a solution?

By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon, Khartoum, Sudan Unlike in the African setting, where masses could fear retribution to partaking in contentious political related issues, or shared national agendas; someone who hasn’t travelled to Sudan during the ongoing anti-government protests won’t figure out a country where civilians are more united to executing national duties in Africa than […]

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St Mary’s Health Institute sets high standard in South Sudan national exams

By Okech Francis Lobong Emmanuel Mule commands a jubilant mood as he stares down at his academic result. The 21-year-old just accomplished one step in his journey to become an accomplished medic in South Sudan, a country with the poorest health system on earth. His papers manifested five As and a B in the subjects […]

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Sign of relief for Juba orphanage as Chinese medics come knocking

By Paul Jimbo Their well-tuned voices secretly collaborated in their favourite songs and choruses to project an image of a people with a purpose to live life fully and to see another day. Driving past the Episcopal Church of South Sudan in Juba’s leafy suburb of Hai-Cinema, the tunes grew louder and louder to confirm […]

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Features Health

Floods in South Sudan cut off pregnant mothers from health services

By Simon Deng Floods continue to pound in South Sudan, and are denying pregnant women across the country access to antenatal check-ups as well as other health needs. Out of ten States in the war-torn country, eight have been hit by the floods which have caused the Nile river and other tributaries to burst their […]

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Repetitive repairs of Juba bridge brings despair to commuters

By Tapeng Michael Ohure One lane of the Juba Bridge is currently undergoing repair work scheduled to last for forty five (45) days. The repair began on 2nd. October 2021 but for one resident of Gumbo, Morbe Marcelino, the cost of transport has increased so much that he cannot now afford, Morbe nowadays walks from […]

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Taming malaria in the marshlands

Unicef South Sudan In the marshes on the outskirts of Malakal Town in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State, Nyanbol Mijak (28) lives with her five children, withstanding the hardships of a devasting flood that has deluged this part of the country for several months now. One evening her youngest daughter went to bed with a […]

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Climate change leaves the upper corridor of South Sudan flooded out and stuck in the mud

By Lisa Lyn (Unicef). Photo Essay All locations along the Sobat Corridor from Malakal town, Upper Nile State, to the Ethiopian border are flooding. Internally displaced people (IDPs) are at a record high of 1.6 million at the moment, fleeing their homes to live in abandoned buildings and/or sleeping on the ground out in the […]

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Women-friendly space: An anchor for women affected by flooding in South Sudan

UNFPA As if extreme poverty and the ongoing humanitarian crisis brought about by armed conflict in the country were not enough, severe flooding has affected hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese people since the onset of the rainy season this May. “Things are very difficult,” says Bor resident Moses Makol Riak, whose family was displaced […]

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Successful renovation of police station named after a Chinese policeman in Wau

Chinese Embassy Article Recently, the 9th Chinese UNPOL contingent in UNMISS held a completion ceremony for the renovation project of the DONGXING Police station in WAU.  Supported by the Tianyuan Construction Group of China, which is constructing the China-aided Jur Bridge in WAU, the renovation started at the end of September that includes repainting  bulidings, compound […]

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UNHCR responding to worst flooding in decades in South Sudan

Weeks of heavy rain have caused unrelenting floods, affecting more than 700,000 people across the country, UNHCR Representative in the country Arafat Jamal said on Tuesday.    The rains have swept away homes and inundated farmlands, forcing families to seek safety on higher ground or in neighbouring towns.  Mothers deeply worried  Mr. Jamal said UNHCR teams in […]

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