October 23, 2024
China always stands with people of South Sudan in its nation building: Remarks by China at UN Security Council meeting on South Sudan

China always stands with people of South Sudan in its nation building: Remarks by China at UN Security Council meeting on South Sudan

Madam President,

I thank Special Representative Nicholas Haysom and Maj. Gen. (rtd) Charles Tai Gituai for their briefings. We have also listened carefully to the statement of Ms. Riya Williams Yuyada.

As the youngest member of the United Nations, South Sudan is confronted with unique challenges in it nation-building. The international community just needs to show necessary patience with the peace process in South Sudan and provide constructive assistance rather than focusing on castigation and pressurisation. The international community should become a supporter,  participant and contributor to the peace process.

Continued progress has been achieved and implementation of the Revitalized Agreement, and this momentum must be maintained. South Sudan’s national legislative bodies have been reconstituted, and amendments to the transitional constitution are adopted. President Kiir reaffirmed in his New Year message his commitment to implementing the Revitalized Agreement. China welcomes this and hopes that all parties in South Sudan will keep the current positive momentum going and work together to advance the implementation of the agreement. We call on the political parties that have not yet signed the peace agreement to join the peace process without delay. We applaud the important role of the AU, IGAD and Uganda and other regional countries in the peace process of South Sudan.

Conflict Resolution is the common aspiration of the people of South Sudan, and it entails a holistic approach. The recent security situation in South Sudan has been generally stable, but sectarian and inter-communal conflicts occur from time to time. We need to carefully analyze the causes of conflicts and resolve them through a combination of means including prevention, mediation, dialogue and development. We also need to respond to early warning of the conflicts energize the segment after demobilization. The formation of the Necessary Unified Forces is no smooth sailing, having encountered some challenges, the international community should actively provide assistance and create favorable conditions for transitional security arrangements. China has been providing support for the establishment of the Necessary Unified Forces to the best of his capacity.

Development is the way to go for nation building in South Sudan, and it’s in need of more investment. Affected by COVID-19 and floods, South Sudan humanitarian needs remain high with an estimated 8.9 million people in need of humanitarian assistance this year. China calls on international partners to increase humanitarian relief efforts. That said humanitarian relief can only treat the symptoms not the root causes. The international community should help South Sudan strengthen his own development capacity. Let’s unleash its potential in agriculture, energy and other sectors so as to achieve peace through development. Unilateral coercive measures have exacerbated the plight of the South Sudan people and China urges countries concerned to lift them as soon as possible.

In South Sudan’s nation building, China has always stood with the people of South Sudan. President Kiir has called on international partners to shift more aid from humanitarian to development sectors. China has responded positively guided by the forum on China-Africa cooperation and our bilateral framework. A number of key projects have been implemented, including the Jur River Bridge, and the Juba teaching hospital. China also provided emergency food aid to South Sudan, sending out health experts groups and shipping out vaccines and medical equipment. Together with UNMISS in eastern equatorial state, we have launched a pilot project to build up the capacities for youth and women engaged in eco-agriculture to help South Sudan fight the pandemic, recover economy and improve its people’s livelihood.

Madam President,

Under the leadership of Special Representative Haysom, UNMISS has done a great deal of work to help implement the Revitalized Agreement and protect civilians. The level of coordination between the government of South Sudan and UNMISS has been improved and the number of violations of the Status of Forces Agreement continues to decrease. This shows that strengthening communication between the mission and the host country has a positive impact on protecting the safety and security of peacekeepers and improving peacekeeping performance. China encouraged both parties to continue to strengthen their cooperation and work together to implement the peace agreement.

I thank you, Madam President. 

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