October 23, 2024
Children resort to street vending to support livelihood
Business News

Children resort to street vending to support livelihood

By Simon Deng

Results of years of civil war in South Sudan is pushing many children  into street vending to survive the harsh economic situation.

11- year-old Nyadhiara Majang, a disabled young girl living in the internally displaced person’s camp in Juba says she is now a year in the business of selling eggs.

Majang lost her father at an early age and now she is working hand in hand with her mother to make ends meet.

“I started my business in early 2021, I sell eggs which I buy in the market, I bring the eggs, boil and sell, it earns me money, the little I get is used by my mother to buy food and water at home,” said Majang.

South Sudan gained independence on July 9 ,2011 and plunged into a civil war in December 2013 which lasted six years.

The war has displaced more than four million South Sudanese people.

Majang revealed that she is a pupil of Hope Primary school in Juba, she says she goes to school in the morning and goes to hawk eggs in the afternoon.

“With this business that I am running, we use the profit to stock our kiosk, pay school fees and other buy scholastic materials, and as well buying other necessaries required.” Said Majang.

She says she buys eggs at 3000 South Sudanese Pounds and she gets about 5000 South Sudanese after sale.

 Majang is among the lucky one who can afford the capital to run a small business to survive in a country where the United Nations says 8 million people face acute food shortage with the majority of the displaced population relying heavily on food aid.

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