October 23, 2024
Why the Regional bodies may earn ‘blames’ if Sudanese anti-military crisis doesn’t find a solution?
Features News

Why the Regional bodies may earn ‘blames’ if Sudanese anti-military crisis doesn’t find a solution?

By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon, Khartoum, Sudan

Unlike in the African setting, where masses could fear retribution to partaking in contentious political related issues, or shared national agendas; someone who hasn’t travelled to Sudan during the ongoing anti-government protests won’t figure out a country where civilians are more united to executing national duties in Africa than Sudan.

It has been nearly a month long in the Sudanese Capital Khartoum, while following the unending civil anti-military protests, particularly against Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, the President of the Sovereign Council; but it is more than braveness that her citizens are determined to thought-provoking what they described as “autocratic rule” despite hurdles throughout the rallies.

Though the protests on daily basis continue to claim demonstrators’ lives; evidenced by those fired in the standoffs, it’s still hard to believe that such patriots aren’t giving in by all means.  

For the first time in the Regional developing political antiquity, and with the case of Sudan; a few gritty individuals could take to the streets with zeal; in broad daylight, determined to challenge tyranny among other grievances, before a bigger crowd comes in later.  

That itself is a joint symbolistic sign of fighting for people’s leadership rather than of individuals’ interests who tear nationalists’ freedom apart, specifically in the African context where leaderships disadvantage many. However, the cry out is being only led by the Sudanese citizens without a backup.  

Security forces have been seen protectively firing tear gas and canisters to undercut the masses from matching to the targeted locations; the Presidential Palace, Parliament and the Ministries; notwithstanding Souq Al-Arabi, an epicenter of the rallies.

But so far, the Africa’s regional bodies namely; Africa Union (AU), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) among others have done very little or nothing to commit to the recurring Sudanese crisis.

These include failure to intervene and salvage the happening. For instance, leading negotiations between the civilians and the military, taking genuine decisions to ending the crisis as well as finding everlasting solutions, which are not being shouldered by the Sudanese people.

Up to today, more than 70 civilians have been killed, over 2,200 injured by the security forces in a series of nationwide protests across different areas in Sudan, meanwhile dissonance is still spiking.  

But, the crisis itself is something that could have been subjected to the leadership plank of the Continent if Sudanese themselves do not have a solution.   

As a matter of facts; questions coming in, tend to cross-examine why regional bodies are so mute on this crisis? Yet, the answers aren’t being found.

Others ponder whether their silence means “invisible support” for the embattled administration or not; nevertheless, realities around it are not being established.

This is because writing press releases without physical commitments to ending such periodic crises isn’t helping in the meantime based on its prevalence. 

In October 2021, just after the October’s 25 coup, the African Union suspended Sudan’s participation in the Union’s related activities until the restoration of the civilian led-administration?

But after it was restored, things never worked out. So, what is the African Union up to now; to let the civil population diminish in Sudan or find a solution?

The current crisis is just more than a suspension of a member state; rather a leadership commitment that would see Sudanese population turning to peace within the shortest period of time.

But given the muteness, it is crystal clear that the Africa Union (AU) in particular would surely earn ‘blames and “denunciations” if protesters diminish in their decided journey.

This is because the Union can pressurize the current military authority to either quit or engage in negotiations with the civilians or else condemn them for continuous use of force against protesters.  

The objectives of the AU among others include: To achieve greater unity, cohesion and solidarity between the African countries and nations. To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its Member States. To accelerate the political and social-economic integration of the continent, which I think isn’t the concentration with the case of Sudan.

Furthermore, if other African leaders neighbouring Sudan were also concerned, the lives of the citizens lost wouldn’t have been registered from such a solvable crisis.

Though the United States of America through its Embassy in Khartoum, United Nations in Sudan and some international entities are trying their best to quell the quandary across Sudan, it is still not enough given its current drive which instead needs a collective commitment.

In nutshell; the Sudanese crisis is quite disheartening and frustrating. Someone who has seen the protests on a daily basis would think of finding a solution, though the capacity dictates.

Therefore, it should be an obligation of the regional bodies led by the African Union (AU) and IGAD to find an immediate solution to the Sudanese cries now.

Yet, if they completely fail to do something henceforth, they should be accountable if the entire Sudanese populations succumb to the crisis.


Some of the demonstrators attributed the persistence as an easiest way to liberate the Sudanese people from disservice leadership, confessing complete stability if their demands are answered.

“For your information, we have suffered enough in the hands of the military leadership. Our military leaders want to exploit us. But this is too much, we need to liberate ourselves from this long suffering,” Protester Ahmed Dia said after one of the protests in Khartoum City.

“If we don’t do it, who will do it,” he questioned.

Similar rallies have been also picking up within Sudan’s localities; Omdurman, the twin City of Khartoum, Burri to mention but a few, on agreed dates even if the government on constant basis struggles to combat the allies.  

Heavy deployments are also said seen across Airport Roads, Souq Al-Arabi: Omdurman and Burri Bridges during rallies in an attempt to surpass the events, but the protesters still go on, without failure as planned.

The protests instead persist despite ‘continuous crackdown’ to repudiate the occurrence. But, where is the solution?

On the other hand, natives’ scores are clearly visible on why the military administration should go without compromise. Yet, why are the regional bodies so reluctant about their cries?

Sudanese protester Mohammed Ahmed confessed that they have been met with clampdowns that claimed some lives of their beloved ones, a move he confessed they were against.

Reliable sources disclose that the authorities concurrently used live ammunition to confront the peaceful protesters though the military claimed that dozens of its security personnel were wounded in the demonstrations.

But, where are the African leaders to fix this gap? Why are they not finding a solution for it?

The implications  

Critically, Sudan’s unrest within the Horn of Africa might be affecting regional bilateral ties and economic deals as far as its current trend is concerned; but that needs a solution.

Above all, the crisis is increasing Sudanese vulnerability and it might result into a lot of consequences including human trafficking, arms and human smugglings in the long run since the country is now outlaw, and as the situation commands. 

Most importantly, the Sudanese people and businesses are now in coma due to the crisis. Nevertheless, the emergency needs urgent intervention to correct the situation.

While we are aware of its consequences in the Region, and looking at its bottom line, Sudanese economy is seriously deteriorating and it is massively forcing the ordinary citizens to suffer the most. Every now and then, the prices keep on skyrocketing and this is making life difficult in Sudan.

Presently, it has increased the state of homelessness and beggary in cities. On the other hand, the situation is also compelling a lot of young people to use the medium of Egyptian road to cross to the Mediterranean Sea for European countries to seek asylum, but some of them are being reported dying while crossing the Sea as some drowned.

In nutshell, it is equally imperative to cite that the Sudanese peace mediators/guarantors are not even helpful in the meantime where civilians are seriously affected.

So, what is generally needed now is only to find a solution for the common men to realize peace and stability across eighteen (18) suffering Sudanese states. But, the regional bodies must lead the way.

Otherwise, felicitations to the former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, for being a loyal Sudanese citizen. Resigning means having seen challenges, but no way to effect solutions individually.

 May God rescue the Sudanese people!

Manyuon Mayen is a South Sudan-based Journalist, Writer, Editor, Essayist and Content Creator 

He was a Former UN Fellow at Hiroshima Peace-builders Centre (HPC), Tokyo and Hiroshima cities, Japan.

Email address: manyuondavidmayen@gmail.com 

WhatssAp: +211924666268

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