October 23, 2024
A civil society activist urges gov’t to expedite justice for wounded Bishop-elect

A civil society activist urges gov’t to expedite justice for wounded Bishop-elect

By John Agok

A civil society activist in Lakes state has condemned the shooting of Bishop-elect in Rumbek, calling it “a barbaric act” and called for government to speed up investigation and ensure that justice prevails.

Speaking to Juba Echo, Laat Kon says, as a member of civil society, he is concerned that the so called, “unknown gunmen” are only targeting foreign nationals working for the Diocese of Rumbek.

Kon called the actions “xenophobic syndrome”.

“Catholic Diocese of Rumbek has been obsessed by xenophobic syndrome for long, I have observed this symptoms on several occasions where as former director of Radio Good News, Fr. Don Bosco Ochieng was beaten on 17, September, 2012 and we called them unknown youth. The killing of Jesuit Fr. Victor Odhiambo in November 2018 was also termed as done by unknown gunmen. The current attempt on the life of Bishop -elect Fr. Christian Carlassare within the vicinity of the Church Compound was also alleged to be by unknown gunmen. Let’s be honest to ourselves, how would someone from outside the people in the church know the room where the Bishop sleeps. Why was bishop the only one targeted among other Priests that reside in the same compound within the mission?” asked Kon.

He urged the government to carry out a thorough investigation into the matter and quickly arraign in court suspects for justice to prevail.

“We need our government not to tolerate this issue of killing people and the culprits walking free, everything now lies in with the state government to begin to punish culprits, discourage violence and build our image as a peace-loving people.” He added.

 “ I called upon the faithful in the Diocese of Rumbek (D.O. R) to remain calm and till the Bishop-elect returns from Nairobi after completion of his treatment.” He concluded.

William Koji the state minister of information promised that more people might still be arrested despite 24 people already in being in connection with the shooting of the bishop-elect.

Fr. Christian Carlassare was made bishop-elect on March 8th was waiting to be installed in Rumbek Diocese on 23rd May.

He has now been flown to Nairobi for treatment for injuries he sustained after being shot on the night of April 25th by what the state government calls “unknown gunmen”

Lakes State says it’s working to bring the culprits to book.

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